Domestic animals

We offer a full range of small animal care

Our services for Domestic Animals

We are able to offer:

  • Routine vaccinations
  • Pet passports
  • Nurse clinics
  • Repeat and written prescriptions
  • Microchipping
  • Online booking
  • Pet insurance
  • Exotic species referrals

Surgery, diagnostics and treatment

  • Keyhole surgery
  • Laser surgery
  • Endoscopy
  • Rhinoscopy
  • Dentistry
  • ECG monitoring
  • Blood pressure monitoring
  • Digital imaging
  • Ultrasound scanner
  • Therapeutic laser treatment
  • Tonometry
  • Oncology and chemotherapy
  • Comprehensive in-house laboratory

Keyhole surgery

Keyhole surgery

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive technique for viewing the internal structures of the abdomen, offering your pet up to 65% less pain than traditional surgical methods. A laparoscope (camera) inserted through a small incision in the abdominal wall provides magnified high definition views of the internal organs, allowing greater surgical precision. Additional small incisions are made to facilitate the use of surgical instruments. The most common application of laparoscopy is biopsy. In recent years, laparoscopy has been adopted as a less traumatic and less painful alternative to traditional spays.

Laser surgery

Laser surgery

The laser seals small blood vessels as it cuts, which means less bleeding. This drastic reduction in blood loss enables a number of new surgical procedures that are perhaps not practical with a conventional scalpel. The CO2 laser beam also seals nerve endings and lymphatics, resulting in less swelling and pain, and the patient experiences a far more comfortable post-operative recovery. Another unique feature of the CO2 laser beam is that it efficiently kills any bacteria in its path, producing a sterilizing effect and a reduced risk of infection.



As a minimally invasive procedure, endoscopy is a reliable option for looking inside hollow organs in order to aid in diagnosing and treating disease. It is also useful for removing foreign bodies and obtaining internal tissue samples from our patients. It can significantly reduce the risk of long general anaesthetics, as well as pain and discomfort from large surgical incisions.



Rhinoscopy allows us to examine the nasal cavity directly and obtain diagnostic samples of tissue for culture, cytology and histology. Rhinoscopy may be indicated in dogs and cats with nasal discharge, nasal obstruction, chronic sneezing, epistaxis, facial distortion, nasal pain, acute severe sneezing, reverse sneezing and abnormal radiographs.



In order to perform tartar and plaque removal, extractions and other oral procedures, we use a selection of specifically designed dental equipment such as an ultrasonic dental scaler, polishing heads and water-cooled drills, and sterile instruments. Diamond cutting discs and burrs may be used to trim overgrown or misaligned teeth. We also have specific rabbit dental kits available for use on smaller or more exotic patients.

ECG monitoring

ECG monitoring

An Electrocardiogram machine (ECG) is used to measure the electrical activity in the heart. The process is very painless, and most animals will allow us to perform this conscious. Four small clips are attached to the skin on each of their legs for a few minutes. We may recommend this if we are suspicious that your pet may have a heart complaint that is affecting the way their heart beats, or if we feel the heart may be enlarged. A print out can be obtained to show what the heart is doing in terms of rate and rhythm, which we can take measurements from to help us reach a diagnosis.

Blood pressure monitoring

Blood pressure monitoring

This can be particularly important in our geriatric feline patients. Early detection and correction of increased blood pressure (hypertension) is essential to avoid organ damage and further complications. Regular blood pressure monitoring is commonly used in pets with ongoing conditions, such as chronic renal failure and Cushing’s disease.

Digital imaging

Digital imaging

We have digital processors on-site for both routine and dental x-rays, and specially designed floating top tables for our patients. One of the main advantages is that this allows us to take better quality radiographs at a fraction of the time of manual processing, ensuring rapid diagnosis and decreased general anaesthetic times - all without chemical waste. The x-rays can then be viewed on a computer screen, and images can be viewed in the consulting room so that the cases can be discussed with the owner. If necessary, the images can also be sent via email to a referral centre for further assessment.

Ultrasound scanner

Ultrasound scanner

Ultrasound scanner is used for non-invasive, pain-free investigation of “soft-tissues” and abdominal organs, heart conditions and pregnancy diagnosis. This can routinely be performed conscious in most patients. Colour Doppler allows us to look further at blood flow and heart / valve function. We do have to clip fur in the areas we want to investigate so that the ultrasound probe can make contact with the skin.

Therapeutic laser treatment

Therapeutic laser treatment

Some of the most common recommended uses of low-level laser therapy are to facilitate wound healing, reduce inflammation, and treat musculoskeletal pain. Repeated laser therapy sessions can significantly improve many aspects of your pet's health, and have been proven to provide excellent results to date.



Measuring intra-ocular pressure to diagnose glaucoma. Glaucoma is caused by the build up of fluid within the eye. Abnormally high pressure can damage the optic nerve, leading to vision loss. In the event of problems with your pet’s eyes, it may be necessary to measure and monitor eye pressure to treat and avoid changes that may lead to the development of glaucoma.

Oncology and chemotherapy

Oncology and chemotherapy

Over the last 20 years, there have been many changes in the attitude and approach of pet owners and the Veterinary profession relating to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This has resulted in a higher demand for both basic and specialist treatment of affected animals. Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are the main weapons in the fight against cancer. If you are at all worried or concerned, call us to make an appointment as soon as possible and our Veterinary Surgeons will be more than happy to examine your pet and discuss the most appropriate line of treatment. Remember, the sooner you take action, the sooner we can.

Comprehensive in-house laboratory

Comprehensive in-house laboratory

Our state of the art analysers deliver powerful and immediate information on blood chemistries, haematology, electrolytes, endocrinology, blood gases, coagulation and urine. One single report provides an accurate and complete picture of your pet's health, so we can assess and explain our findings, point out abnormalities, discuss recommendations and confidently begin treatment.

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